Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Re-Inventing Your Business and Life Using a Marketing Tribe

In a world where technology moves at breakneck speed and business tactics and strategies change every day, its no wonder that marketing tribes or clusters of people involved in all the various aspects of online marketing have forgotten that there are some simple and powerful truths when it comes to effectively and passionately using your marketing tribe to its best potential.
Old Vs New Marketing Tribes
Old sayings like: "Build a better widget, and the world will beat a path to your rubbish. That way of thinking is way too outdated and whoever said that didn't have an internet connection or even a computer. Its more like build a better widget and then blog and create videos and create some tribes around it like a "social media tribe" and joint venture about it and hope that the Widget Store features it and then maybe just maybe the world will beat a path to your door. You've got to admit it is quite funny when you think about it but make no mistake there are some serious undertones in that sentence.

See, the world is only willing to reward innovation if they know about it and if they get a sense that the masses will do the same. People (in the context of society / groups) are on average followers and will only follow trends; so it's incredibly hard to influence this behaviour in a group, which will in turn prompt them to "beat a path to your door".
With that in mind isn't it about time to push things up to a totally fresh new level and embrace the simple truths that Tribal behaviour stand for and use those methodologies and techniques to not only create a better business but also a better you.
Tribal Wisdom
In a nutshell, a tribe is any group of people, anywhere or any colour it doesn't matter, who are connected to one another, and a leader or leaders, and an idea or better put a vision. This understanding of how tribes work and communicate is largely misunderstood or even worse, people are so programmed into old school marketing that they fear treading into new territory and just end up re-hashing the same old methodologies and practices.
This kind of thinking IS very dangerous and can prohibit your company from moving forward into the digital age, because like it or not, the world is changing and if you don't adapt quickly you're going to be left behind. Since the dawn of time the only species that survives the challenges of this world are those that adapt to change and fast too.

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